Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I'm in the "dark days" John Broz talks about.

Lifting all the time and all my lifts are going down. It always hurts to walk.

The weirdest part is the emotional end of it. Broz talked about it, but I didn't think it would hit me that hard. I'm a pretty laid back, relaxed person who's happy almost all the time.

But lifting like this, Broz warns about the hormonal downside. It's a painful draining trip.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

revised schedule

Revising Schedule a little bit and making a few notes.

1) Need to start lifting in morning. Too many things come up later in the day that make it hard to get to lifting.

2) Revised the schedule a little bit.

3) Didn't hit any PR's this past week. Did hit 385 on days when I was really sore though. Not sure this was possible in the past.

New schedule is as follows:

Run Every Day we lift. Don't run on OFF days.

1) B Squat: (1RM, + 20reps @ 80%+),
Bench: (1RM, + 20reps @ 80%+)
Biceps: (3-5s x 5-10r)
2) B Squat: (1RM, + 20reps @ 80%+),
OHP: (3-5s x 5-10r)
Deadlift: (1RM, + 20reps @ 80%+)
3) F Squat: (1RM, + 20reps @ 80%+)
Bench: (1RM, + 20reps @ 80%+)
Biceps: (3-5s x 5-10r)

4) OFF

5) B Squat: (1RM, + 20reps @ 80%+)
OHP: (3-5s x 5-10r)
Deadlift: (1RM, + 20reps @ 80%+)

6) F Squat: (1RM, + 20reps @ 80%+)
Bench: (1RM, + 20reps @ 80%+)
Biceps: (5s x 5-10r)

7) OFF

Monday, June 21, 2010

Tentative Lifting Schedule

5 Day Cycle

(1) B Squat 1RM + (6s x 2r @ 80%1RM)
(2) Bench 1RM + (6s x 2r @ 80%1RM)
(3) OHP 1S x 20r @5lbs greater than last completed set of 20
(4) Reverse Hyper: 4s x 10r

Day 2: (Run 5 Miles OR paced quarter miles or Row 40 minutes)
(1) B Squat 10s x 5r @(previous 1RM-150lbs)
(2) Pushups 10s x 11 reps
(3) Deadlift 1RM + (6s x 2r @80%1RM)

Day 3: (Run 5 miles OR paced quarter miles or Row 40 minutes)
(1) B Squat 1RM + (6s x 2r @ 80%1RM)
(2) OHP (5s x 5r)
(3) Bicep Curls (5s x 10r)


Day 5: (Run 5 miles OR paced quarter miles OR Row 40 minutes)
(1) B Squat 1RM + (6s x 2r @ 80%1RM)
(2) Bench 1RM + (6s x 2r @ 80%1RM)
(3) Reverse Hyper (4s x 10r)

Day 6: (Run 5 miles OR paced quarter miles OR Row 40 minutes)
(1) B Squat 10s x 5r @(previous 1RM-150lbs)
(2) Deadlift 1RM + (6s x 2r @80%1RM)
(3) Bicep Curls (5s x 10r)


Highlights of this cycle:
1) DL'ing comes up twice a week
2) Squatting 5 days/week. (Up from current 4 days)
3) Includes option of subbing rowing for running
4) 2 off days/week
5) Bicep curls come up twice a week (addresses my weak tendon issue)
6) Except for day 1, none of the lifting sessions are marathon sessions.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sh*t I could have done better, and today's workout

I am going to start keeping better track of my daily shortcomings in order to be more conscious of them and overcome them.
These shortcomings are only pertaining to diet/exercise. Moral, intellectual and other failings are too numerous to get into.

Exercise shortcomings today:
-Didn't push it hard enough when going for 85lbsx20r on OHP

Diet Shortcomings:
-Should have made a smoothie this morning and taken vitamins.

Today's Goals:
BS: 1RM + (6s x 2-3r@80%)
Bench: 1RM + (6s x 2-3@85%)
OHP: 85lbs x 1s x 20r
Reverse Hyper: 20lbs x 4s x 10r

What I hit.
Today's daily 1RM for squat ended up being 375. (Within 10% of mr PR of 395, so not terrible, but hoping for better next time).
Today's daily 1RM for bench was 225. (PR is 235). This needs to go up soon.
Did not get 20 reps of 85lb OHP. Got 15. Will attempt 20reps day after tomorrow.
Reverse Hypers felt good.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

New Squat PR!!!

Been running 5 miles/day for three of the past 4 days, including yesterday.
So, understandably for someone as out of shape as me, I went to the gym today with my legs feeling like a**.

That John Broz saying kept coming to my mind, "What your body tells you is a lie."

Today's events proved Broz correct.

Despite feeling like sh*t and having a painful experience walking up the stairs, I squatted a PR at 390lbs.


Monday, June 7, 2010

been awhile

Been awhile since the last post.

Trips to China and New Hampshire derailed me a little bit. Now in the process of getting back on track.

Yesterday was my first real John Broz style workout. Looked like this.

B Squat:
1RM 385
5s x 1r @ 340

1RM 225
5s x 2r # 180

I was worried the bench sets wouldn't be enough stimulation at 180. After all, I was doing sets of 5 with 200 before. Then I realized that this was a dynamic workout.


It was o.k. to lose a lighter weight because instead of grinding out a heavy bench (lower M), I was using more acceleration (higher A. The higher force balanced out the lower mass.

The 385 wasn't a new PR, but I was happy with it since it matched my old PR and I'm still getting back into the swing.
